At Nooch’s Pooches, We Train Your Dog By Training You
We’re passionate about helping you become a confident, happy and stress-free pet owner so you can stop worrying about taking your dog to the park or bringing guests over and spend more time enjoying your pet.
How? With the Nooch’s Pooches Method that’s helped train over 3,000 dogs of all breeds, ages, sizes, temperaments and behaviours.
Our approach isn’t about disciplining a dog until they listen. It’s about getting back to basics (way back). All dogs were designed by nature to do a job – pulling sleds, herding sheep, hunting and protecting, and so on.
Modern dogs require the same purpose in their lives to be mentally and physically stimulated and to create balance. Odds are you don’t have any sheep that need herding or sleds to pull, so we provide the next best thing.