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We Help Dog Owners Feel in Control At Home, at The Dog Park & Anywhere They Go

We help pet owners like you feel confident and in control whether you’re training a new puppy or eliminating problem behaviour in an older dog.

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*Affordable training rates

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At Nooch’s Pooches, We Train Your Dog By Training You

We’re passionate about helping you become a confident, happy and stress-free pet owner so you can stop worrying about taking your dog to the park or bringing guests over and spend more time enjoying your pet.

How? With the Nooch’s Pooches Method that’s helped train over 3,000 dogs of all breeds, ages, sizes, temperaments and behaviours.

Our approach isn’t about disciplining a dog until they listen. It’s about getting back to basics (way back). All dogs were designed by nature to do a job – pulling sleds, herding sheep, hunting and protecting, and so on.

Modern dogs require the same purpose in their lives to be mentally and physically stimulated and to create balance. Odds are you don’t have any sheep that need herding or sleds to pull, so we provide the next best thing.

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The Nooch’s Pooches Method eliminates problem behaviour by giving your dog purpose and creating lasting fulfilment  – for you and your pet – by turning basic commands into modern jobs for your dog.

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*Affordable training rates

Nooch’s Pooches Helps You Become the Type of Leader Your Dog Trusts, Respects and Obeys

So, what type of modern “jobs” do we teach your dog?

Walking and basic obedience training (sit, down, stay, recall) are the most common styles of urban jobs we teach. Our proven approach helps you confidently walk your dog on a loose leash knowing you’re in control – and your dog is mentally and physically stimulated. Basic obedience training also teaches practical skills so that you have the ability to clearly communicate with your dog, even if they slip off the lead in a busy street!

Behaviour modification training helps dogs that are reactive and aggressive towards people and other animals. We teach owners how to manage and control their dog by using the right equipment and the right state of mind.

We Come To Your House ⇀

Flexible, in-home sessions are available for basic obedience, behavioural issues and puppy classes.

Enjoy a personal approach to training or working with particular issues in your home to build the foundations of learning.

Firm But Always Fair ⇀

Starting puppy or obedience training early is the best way to ensure your dog obeys commands.

Our approach is firm, but never harsh, to create strong foundations and establish a clear understanding of boundaries and rules in each and every situation.

Build a Strong Emotional Bond ⇀

The Nooch's Pooches method is effective in all areas of training our dog and becomes a way of life for your dog to live by.

This connection is more than a physical one, it allows you to be aware of the special bond you create by reaching a level of balance in the mind, body, heart and spirit.

Life With Your Dog Podcast

The Life With Your Dog podcast focuses on dog training concepts and ideas that can be applied in a practical way, to enrich the life you live with your dog.

Listen in and learn specialised knowledge from years working with all dog breeds, ages, anxiety levels and behaviours. New episodes drop regularly to help you level up your skills and create a lasting bond with your pet while supporting good behaviour.

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The Nooch’s
Pooches Method:

A Comprehensive Guide to Training and Living With Your Dog

This book is your invitation to become a confident, empowered dog owner (no matter what breed you’ve got or what behaviours you’re struggling with).

Ever seen those dog behaviour shows on Netflix or YouTube where a dog goes from total nightmare to perfect pet? This book shows you how to enjoy the same results (except you’ll be the expert).

This book is the culmination of a decade, thousands of dogs trained, 100 hours of research and practical, hands-on experience figuring out what works (and what doesn’t).

Ready to learn how to train, walk and live with your dog?

Buy Now